don't worry

you have nothing to worry about with our 14 days money back guarantee and our flexible returns policy.


Thank you for your purchase. We hope you are happy with your purchase. However, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return it to us for a full refund or an exchange. Please see below for more information on our return policy.

when to ask for return/refund

Any claims must be submitted within 14 days after the product has been received.

there is two cases which make you eligible for Return/refund:

  1. misprinted/damaged/defective items
  2. packages lost in transit 

return/refund steps

  1. to start a refund/return request, simply reply to your order confirmation email that you received when you placed your order. in case of defect/misprinted damaged items, the email should include clear images showing the issue.
  2. your request will be reviewed within 2 business days once approved a full refund will be issued within the same day for the same payment method used when placing the order. (sometimes it take more than 7 business days to see your refund amount in your credit card statement).


Any claims must be submitted within 14 days after the product has been received.

there are two cases that make you eligible for a Return/refund:

  1. After 14 days of receiving the order package
  2. using the product
  3. choosing a wrong size or color 

important notes

  1. Contact us first
  2. The shipping cost is not refundable
  3. return shipping cost will be in your expense

get in touch

If you faced any issue or have any Question please send us a message and we will do our best to Solve your issue and make you happy

Phone: + 974 66089604
SUN-FRI 08:00 am - 12:00 am